Chiropractor Lawrenceville shares low back exercises for beginners.

Here is a simple exercises that you can do at home with no equipment.

It works the multifidus, erector spinae, transverse abdominus, oblique muscles.

The purpose of this exercise is to Increase low back strength and muscular endurance. By doing this exercise you can have the benefits of Improved stability, functional strength and injury prevention

Begin lying on your back.

Extend arms above head flat on floor.

Activate core and lift knees above hips and maintain a 90/90 hip and knee position.

Activate core.

Lift one arm off the floor and raise it towards ceiling until above shoulder level while simultaneously extending one leg downward towards floor.

Pause momentarily.

Return to start position, alternating sides.

Core activation should be maintained throughout entire exercise.

Repeat for recommended repetitions and sets.

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