Control Your Pain

Have you had pain for more than six months? That means you are suffering from a debilitating condition known as chronic pain. Believe it or not, there are several types of chronic pain. The three main types are:

  1. Nociceptive pain
  2. Neuropathic pain
  3. Mixed pain

Nociceptive pain is the pain most of us are quite familiar with. If you stub your toe, cut yourself, or get punched in the arm, you will experience nociceptive pain. However, if you have an injured nerve, you will experience neuropathic pain. Neuropathic pain has several characteristics:

Examples of neuropathic pain include:

Often neuropathic pain is unresponsive to traditional medication treatments. Many of the medications used to manage neuropathic pain have significant side effects.

At Performance Pain & Sports Medicine, we offer an innovative treatment that involves no medications! This treatment has several amazing features:

This amazing technology is called spinal cord stimulation and it is changing the lives of many chronic neuropathic pain sufferers for the better.

It’s critical that you have a physician that is expert at placing this device perform your procedure. The doctors at Performance Pain & Sports Medicine have a combined experience of 17 years’ experience with spinal cord stimulation and perform a significant number of procedures each year.

The procedure starts by scheduling an office consultation to discuss your pain and the options for managing that pain.

The next step is scheduling a trial procedure. This is completely temporary and reversible. It provides you full use of the device for a period of up to 7 days to determine whether the technology is appropriate for you. Should you decide to move forward, the device is implanted permanently.

The device has small “wires” called electrodes that deliver pleasant electrical impulses to override your pain. Here is a picture of these electrodes:

As mentioned above, you have total control over the device with this remote:

Let’s take a moment to compare spinal cord stimulation to the alternative, taking pain medications for the rest of your life:

With pain medications you get:

And with spinal cord stimulation:

If you’re suffering from chronic pain, schedule an appointment today to find out whether you are a candidate for this amazing procedure or one of many other procedures for managing and controlling pain.

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