Small Swimming Tips that Make a Big Difference

It goes without saying. We’ve all waited long enough for this summer to come along. And if you’re like me, now that summer is here, it won’t take you too long to find the closest pool and jump right in. However, before you hop on in, take a minute to think about swimming safely.

We all know the benefits to swimming. From cardiopulmonary fitness for every age group, to consistent calorie burning for weight-loss enthusiasts, to being a low impact form of exercise for those with aches and pains or orthopedic conditions; there’s a health benefit for just about everyone. But, many of us do not consider the health risks associated with swimming.

For starters, healthy swimming can be divided into three main categories which require attention. These are hygiene, sun-safety, and what swimmers do and do not bring into the pool with them. Remind children to break from the pool every hour for hydration, sunscreen application, and bathroom breaks. Consider UV protective shirts or shorts for the little ones, as 90% of the lifetime sun exposure occurs before the age of 20. This wear those of us who happen to be parents can have a large impact on our child’s lifetime risk for skin cancer.

Constantly remind the young ones not swallow pool water. No swimming when the child has diarrhea. Shower before swimming and wash hands after using the restroom or changing diapers. These are simple reminders that go a long way!

So remember, even though we are all excited to get in the water, we all must swim safe and be courteous of everyone around us!

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